Saturday, 6 June 2015

Hello.. Remember me?

Hi.. I am the girl that goes by the name Fiffy. 
Neah, my real given name is Sechandina Jane and yes, I have plenty of nick names. Yet, I rather stick to the nick my mother gave me. Fiffy Jane. 

You see, this is not a new blogspot page.. I have this up for a year now actually. Supposed to serve as my medium while I'm on journey but, to my dismay, I failed to finish the adventure. If you noticed, my first post was about an adventure I intend to start and document. 

Well, somehow I managed to get myself going (yeah really) to a place I should not even go. The duty free island which is known as Labuan. Little did I know, going to that place will alter the decision made earlier altogether. Crumbling were the plan and here I am, journey-less, boring and dull. So yeah that pretty much explains of the lack of posts, no stories to be told, no journey to unfold and no adventures to be share. 

Summing up life all together since my last post on Nov 2014, well.. It's really was unpleasant and it still is.. I'm dying for another journey and more adventures but I'm currently stuck in a place I wish I wasn't. Making it even worse was when my laptop, camera, gadgets, notes and journal was stolen. I will make a post about it (stand alone post, uh-hu) and the feeling losing everything.

By the way, I won't be having a photo to go along my new and future posts and I'm only using my fiancĂ©'s MacBook Pro. Yes, I got engaged earlier this year (another post later) and it was a wonderful feeling to get something so close to something call family (I seriously can't wait to have my own family). 

As for now, I better log off. I have no words to write and it seems like my brain had stop functioning. Till later post then..

p/s: I just did a rerun read on Fifty Shades of Grey and I still fall for Christian. 

Laters baby,