Monday, 26 May 2014

First lesson!

So yesterday, I put an entry about how I had fallen in love with diving, so today's entry will be my first few lessons going underwater. It was funny, it was comical and some of it, totally humiliating to watch even. Oh, by the way, I'm talking about the videos taken during the lessons given by the Open Water Scuba Instructor and he was assisted (if available) by the Dive Master. Both are PADI certified so students can count on them and take the lessons with peace in head.

I started my first day diving with Kenny, the Dive Master. He's brilliant, the only thing is, I can't find my momentum to be serious with him and I ended up laughing all the time and we have to abort all the lessons he's giving me. It was hilarious because it was my first time being underwater and everything he did tickles every inch of my brain, trust me, I was laughing the moment we enter the water. I mean come on, I didn't know water and mask can change the way you look, when I look at Kenny it makes me think,  "if he's face is that funny, how 'bout mine?" and I'll stand up right away laughing and swallowing sea water. This is silly you may say but I start laughing the moment the question hit my brain and this happened about 6 times before Kenny start giving me warning to be serious. It was after 2PM when we started the lesson on "Regulator Clearing", "Regulator Recovery" and also "Mask Clearing" and ended up aborting everything at 3 something, because yes thanks to Kenny's funny face. Haha!

Kenny (Dive Master) and me after a swimming lesson. Oh please ignore his bare nipple.

The only downturn was, after we aborted the "failed" skill sets lesson, I had serious migraine attack and I spent the whole evening stuck in the room all alone. It almost put halt on my diving interest but thank God, with Julius the OWSI, my proper and serious finally rolling in. Although I was really scared 
(I heard Julius is quite the serious type) I can't contained my excitement. Really! 

Julius's method was different. He first asked me if I have any fears, trauma or phobia that he should know. Well of course the answer is YES-ness! I have Aquaphobia but Julius said it can be fixed. He then brief me everything I need to know about my basic skill-sets and how to use the regulator (your only LIFE while in the water) and the proper way to wear my mask, NOT to tight nor TOO LOOSE. He convinced me I have nothing to worry although I keep on telling him I can't swim at all. So the first day of learning the basic skills, began. Oh I was joined by the Pulau Tiga Resort staff, you can look for her (her name is Mimie) at the Reception Area, in fact if you're here, she'll be the one welcoming you upon arrival and will do the briefing about the island and what it has to offers you during the stay.
Julius trying on my spectacles. You look great Teacher!

First skill set is, to do a "REGULATOR CLEARING". This is an easy one, all you have to do is to take your regulator out of you mouth and hold your breath while releasing small bubbles for few seconds while making sure your reg is pointing down and breath through it again when the DM or OWSI signals you to do so. Easy right?

Second is the easy breezy skill. "REGULATOR RECOVERY". Why it calls recovery? Well sometimes when you're diving, you'll encounters lots of the unexpected such as a reckless diver who can't keep their hands to themselves and knocked your reg out, or you might swim to close to another diver and he/she accidentally kicked your reg away from your mouth so you'll know how to do your REGULATOR RECOVERY right away.

And last but not lease is the MASK CLEARING!! THIS IS HARD.. This skill set requires you to do a mask cleaning from fogging. Why fogging, you may ask. According to Mr. Google, the air inside a mask's face pocket is warmed by your face. While its glass faceplate is cooled by the water. The layer of warm air that comes in contact with the faceplate becomes cooler, and the resulting condensation on the inside of the glass forms that annoying fog (eheem, this is my exact same answer actually).

Yes, that a funny video. I'm embarrassed too. That was the " Regulator Recovery" and I kept on doing mistakes. Grrr, embarrassing much. Since Kenny wasn't around to the filming for my few other lessons, I will just jumped to "Free Flow" skill. Free-flow was an easy bits and I passed it without much hassle (just kick me if I can't even do free-flow).

I think that's all for today's post. I will post more tomorrow. I have too much to share, it makes my brain jammed which story to post first. Just stay tune with me. Let us uncover the sea universe together. Why don't all of us become divers? It's amazing. It will blow your mind. I mean it cause I love it.
#makeitblue #diverinlove #janeyonjourney

Till then, lots of love (with bags of sea salt)

Saturday, 24 May 2014

Month of silence.

I know, I know.. I'm so sorry for neglecting my writing for a month now. I was busy (really Jane, were you that busy?) been here and there to gather materials for my write up, which I have plenty of them but I'm currently had fallen in love with something greater. Something that come and hit me hard in the face the first time I try it out. It is beyond expectation, beyond imagination, beyond anything and everything that I've ever tried in my life. Wanna guess it? I guess you won't expect it (drum roll) it wasn't really love at first sight (drum roll continues) it was love after few attempts. DIVING. Yes diving, I fall in love with diving and it was so worth it.

I can't stop talking about diving. It's been diving this and diving that. Ask anyone close to me and they'll tell you how much I bores them with my diving stories. I swear to God, diving is just fantastic, I can't explain them in words (box of tissue please, my eyes getting wet). It all started with my first visit to Survivor Island or Pulau Tiga as we call it in Malay. Story cut short, it was a trip for relaxation because after all the parties I had while on my trip to Labuan, I wanted to go somewhere isolated and peaceful and a friend suggested Tiga. It was the best decision ever, period. 
Survior Island welcomes you anytime 

I'll branch out a bit form diving and now lets talk about Tiga. Coming to Tiga was the best thing I ever did in my life. The tranquility it offers in its serenity surrounding evoke a nostalgic feeling although I never stepped my foot in this island before. It's this feeling I can't describe, it smell like home. It was really love at the first sight. The feeling is just magnificent, I'm home *watery eyes* and I really feel part of the island. 

The place I hangout a lot!
As my title says, "Month of Silence", it was really a month of silence because I was busy making love to Tiga (it's not dirty okay people, please soak your head in a basin of salt water!), I engaged in every activities the island has to offer and yes you guess it right, diving is part it! Pulau Tiga and DIVING, it's magical. I'm not bluffing anyone but somehow, Tiga managed to persuade me and lose my fear of water (I was traumatize after I almost lose my life to the water when I was 10 years old, which I'm gonna do a write up about it too later so we'll leave that story till then). 

As this is my fifth paragraph, I better stop writing for now and apologize for not posting any write ups after my first article was up month ago. I promise I'll bring you more to read afterwards. Well, of course I want you people to read and feel jealous of my diving experiences and makes you itchy to join me on my journey towards becoming a professional diver (ta-daaaaaa! I decided I should be a professional diver but I'll leave the fun of writing it for my next post). 

This is peacefulness at its finest.

PLEASE DO NOT FEED THE MONKEY'S (unless you're a monkey too)

Left pic wasn't taken in Tiga but middle and right pic are. 

Till the next post babes. Lots of love (with sea water)!